Zoom in on product photos
Dennis Price
(There is a duplicate post asking LIGHTBOX( - Details are important for online buyers of ecomm products and ability to zoom in on product photos is critical. The workaround is to add your artwork as a separate image --- however this enables the knock-off artists to easily download and steal your designs. GHL please fix asap. The PRINTFUL type of POD leads to designs that cannot easily be seen on the GHL eComm store product page (too small). Without zooming in to see the design, purchases are unlikely.
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Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Product Pictures Enlarging
Huu Thien Nguyen
It would be super cool if you could create a feature that automatically enlarges the product images when you move the mouse over the product image
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Product Light Box (Zoom in on product photos)
Josh Boutelle
For e-com, we need to be able to click on product photos to be able to zoom in, similar to shopify.
Dennis Price
There is a (duplicate) post on same issue. The workaround is to add your art work as a separate image --- however this enables the knock-off artists to easily download and steal your designs. GHL please fix asap.