Buy X get Y, Z% Off or $Z Off
Thomas Caragan
Would be great to have the abilty to have promos or apply coupons such as Buy 2 products/services get the 3rd for Free or 3rd for 50% off. Most stores/websites/e-commerce stores usually take the % of the product or service with the lowest price. If user can specify variables number of x,y,z to create more custom deals and coupons.
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Apply Discount at Checkout for E-commerce Stores
Ric (OLD - do not use) Admin
It would be great if we could get discount codes for orders over a certain value on checkout to encourage larger transactions on the E-commerce stores
Ex: Spend over $500, get $100 OFF!
Adam Baxter (Owner)
Doesn't even have to be that complicated, just be able to give a % or $ discount on an individual line item would be a good start!