[Timezone] Allow users to set their own timezone (independent of account timezone) that will reflect account-wide
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Christina Ivy
Super important feature for teams with staff in different timezones. Please prioritize!!
Iver Aune
Please make it international too:
Blake Petipas
This combined with URL PARAMETERS to set the timezone would also be very helpful. For example ?timezone=america/new_york
Daniel Tenney
With this, we should also make the calendar booking page take in a query parameter to set the time zone. This way when booking appointment internally with a lot of form data, we can pass query parameters in to basically fill everything out, including the time zone to book in.
Kellie Lee Stewart
Serious has this been done yet because I can't take much more!!!!!
It needs to show the calendar based on the USER timezone not the account timezone.
There is so much confusion and people are missing appointments and doing reminder calls at crazy hours because of this. If it isn't updated soon we may have to leave and move to another platform. We have Aus, UK, Spain, Sweden and USA timezones plus people in ASIA also trying to navigate and calculate the timezones. It is ridiculous.
Dea Panganiban
There should be a toggle users can choose to display the timezone which will be displayed account-wide.
1) Business timezone - this follows the timezone set in the subacount Business profile setting
2) User timezone - this follows the timezone set in the subaccount My Profile setting.
[Open to Suggestion] In the event that the user is not added in the subaccount (ie. agency admin/user), it should follow the subaccount business timezone.
Even better, add the timezone short code or GMT equivalent
eg. MDT/MST = Mountain Daylight Time / Mountain Standard Time OR
GMT-6 / GMT-7
Use cases:
- troubleshooting
- scheduling (calendar, SocMed post, drip campaign, etc)
Aleyna Govender
I agree’!! Doesn’t need to show choose a Timezone for every service
Example my clinic is located in Melbourne Aus so my back end will be set to that meaning when I book a service it doesn’t ask me for the times zone this doesn’t make sense for service based businesses
Additionally let’s say I have a second location in Goldcoast Aus then that would be set up for that location/calendar in the back end and won’t be asked for it when you manually go to book an appointment
Henri vd Heuvel
Any progress or clarity around this point ? It is hurting my business as I am reaching global, and it's a stupid problem to have.
This needs to be fixed asap
Admin Viral Coach
Core Platform This is a critical issue for our team and making it very difficult to continue to use highlevel for remote teams. Is there any eta?
Elise Park
I am beyond amazed to learn this is a "thing" lol. I've been going crazy trying to figure out how to make my staff's appointments display in their time zones. 🥴
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