Bulk Actions (Delete, Turn Off, etc) For Workflows, Custom Fields, and Custom Values!
John Mohr
It's happened to all of us, you look through your custom fields and you have 27 of them that are outdated from that one form you set-up three years ago...
But deleting them requires you to psychically click the field, click more, click delete, and repeat 27 times.
It would be so simple to delete these all at once!
For Workflows:
-Turning one workflow off without having to go into the editor!
-Turn off all workflows in one folder
-Select multiple workflows and turn them all off
-Delete folder and all workflows in it
-Select multiple workflows and delete them all at once
Custom Values:
-Select multiple and delete them at all once.
Custom Fields:
-Select multiple and delete them all at once.
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Aditya Jha
Hey John Mohr, did you find an easy way to do these? Maybe using the API?
Chad Jones
Any chance there's movement with this?
It's such a waste of time having to do this one by one
Jason Gray
Chad Jones zero. I'm currently deleting around 5,000 automations from my sub accounts because when I uploaded a snapshot and pushed an update to it it added everything twice 😩
Jordan Wheeler
Can't believe I can bulk "move" fields but I can't bulk "delete" them.
Shawn Hugh
oh it wastes so much of my time... going into the custom field folder and deleting each individually...
It would be nice to be able to delete folders (ie folders that were created from templates)
also being able to bulk delete in a folder as well...
thank you...
Mikaela Hardwick
Any movement on the ability to bulk turn off workflows? It is the most tedious task when you are doing regular snapshotting for updates.
Devon Smart
please bulk upload custom fields/values.
Juan Platero
Marvin Eckert
Automation is one of the most important HL Features and is missing basic features like the one mentioned here! Please add this!
Timothy September
RevEx Group - This is an essential feature in most other CRMs.
Carlisia Campos
For the love of all that is sacred... I've been in this systems for 5 minutes and already want to pull my hair out because of having to do this one-by-one. Hard to move fast, fail fast if whenever I try a bunch of things I have to go back and single delete the ones that didn't work for me. For people setting up the system with speed and scale in mind... this is a total anti-pattern. Having a "Confirm" delete is not even doing me the favor of showing me information about what side effect it could cause, it is just annoying and slow.
Chi Brown
A simple Bulk Delete of checked workflows would be awesome. Give us some check boxes beside these things and a big ole Bulk Options button like you have in the contacts section, PLEASE!
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