✅ PLEASE FIX Conversation AI Contact Field Mapping
Iver Aune
This is so annoying... My AI conversations / booking bot almost never add emails.
And it often confuses the difference between Company Name and Contact Name even though the question and answers is very clear...
Here is a summary of why Booking AI is useless right now:
✅ The conversation is good.
✅ The prompts works fine.
✅ The bot goes for the appointment - Works as intended.
✅ The bot asks for company name, contact name, number and email - as configured in the prompt.
❌ The bot maps company name as contact name, formats the number wrong and fail mapping the email.
❌ Then the customer never gets a a confirmation and we have to track back the conversation manually to fix the issue.
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Keith Besherse
I disagree with the conclusion “useless”. But the point is valid. Conversation AI and workflow AI still need significant improvement.
Iver Aune
Keith Besherse We avoid using the booking bot for our clients because of this - so I would say it is pretty useless in my opinion. However, the support bot is fine.
Keith Besherse
Iver Aune, oh. In re-reading your statement I realized you actually capitalized Booking (which is not a thing). Yes. I agree. I too distrust the ability of the bot to do conversational booking without double booking. I use the send-calendar-link option. Chase Buckner
At this time, I think the Conversation AI cannot see the contact record and it cannot see the calendar. It isn't talking to the person about slots available on a calendar. It is responding to a prompt which includes the general calendar availability and info about the company (not the contact). Puru Bansal
Iver Aune
Keith Besherse Yeah, I dont know why we didnt went with the send-calendar-link option. I'll actually change that for a few accounts right now. However, the conversational booking should be fixed anyways, I like the idea of booking over chat.
Iver Aune
Keith Besherse Keith Besherse I've seen you commenting on this issue before... So annoying...