Merge Contacts should combine both Activity Feeds instead of deleting one of them
James Crook
When I merge duplicate contacts the Activity Feed is not merged, I only see the feed of the contact I select as the Master Record.
When merging, it is very important to see the activity that the contact has had under both contact records, I would expect the Activity Feed to automatically merge and show all the activity from both records being merged.
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Sara Talbert
We have to use 2 emails for our clients because they work in the government, so we ask for a work and personal email. This creates lots of duplicates because the client will switch up emails or use another personal email instead. So we see a TON of duplicates. When we merge we want to not only keep all the data from both records but keep them in the workflows they are in. We want to keep all the forms they completed, their payment history, their workflow history all in tack. We usually don't find these duplicates right away, so it is important that we keep the data from both contact records intact.
Ashleigh Cole
Merge contacts should also merge all payment, orders, etc. Frankly I can't understand why this was set up this way in the first place.
Dale Fuhr
Yes, please! Activity feed on "non master merge" is lost and social media 'handle' is also lost. Right now I am trying to track where sales come from (there is one 'social media' contact created when they dm me from a reel, and another contact created with an email address created at the time of the 'sale') When I used the master as the contact with the email address, and merge the social media account into it, the activity (Trigger Link Visited for example) on the merged account is lost and the social media 'handle' is lost. DOH! Future sales could depend on this data.
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
When merging contacts, merge Activity feed and Conversations feed also
Yusuf Young
Today when we merge contact, we lose all the info that we didn't pick in the master record. This information is highly valuable. Please merge the contacts' activities and conversations feeds also.
Mariah | FG Funnels Support Team
It would be beneficial if the "Purchase Activity" could be merged for all of the duplicate contacts. This a pain point we about hear from our users.
Mariah | FG Funnels Support Team
It would be beneficial if the "Purchase Activity" could be merged for all of the duplicate contacts. This a pain point we about hear from our users.
Christopher Neustedter
Ya, this is a problem. Why would the entire Activity History of a Contact be deleted when merging? Obviously, merging Contacts is done because of a duplicate - so keeping all the Activity Records for each Contact seems like a no-brainer.
PLEASE keep ALL the Activity Data for BOTH contacts when merging!
Keith Besherse
Yes please, merge in activity feed too.
Core Platform
Keith Besherse
It just happened again Sales & Marketing, Shivam HighLevel, Varun Vairavan, Shaun Clark.
I have an existing contact; someone I have a real human relationship with. We started a conversation on IG which then creates an additional record for him. When I merge the IG contact with the existing contact I lose the records of the IG DM and HL thinks I haven't used IG to talk with him...
Swapnil Kumar
Keith Besherse I’m reaching out to you on messenger.
Keith Besherse
Swapnil Kumar, thanks for working on this for us.
Henry Gilliam [Agency]
The best solution I have seen for merging contacts is A)either designate one contact as the master, and retain all the info in the master record's fields, but merge all activity, communictions, notes, tasks, etc. from both records. Or B)best yet, designate one contact as the master, and prompt the person doing the merging when there are two different pieces of data in the same field in both records, to decide which to retain. NEVER merge more than one record at a time! Bulk merges will cause problems sooner than later. The current merge is not usable for me. I still have to manually "recreate" activities, etc. An effective merge is critical to keeping a clean database.
Yusuf Young
Henry Gilliam [Agency]: It only merges conversations, fields, tasks and notes, not the activity feed (which pages they visited, which forms they submitted, etc)
Matt Barbey
Needed ASAP
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