More detailed Activity Feed
in progress
Would love detailed activity feed.Need to see better details on when pipeline status changes happened (date / time / trigger that moved it)
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Activity Feed
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Jay Martin
Core Platform We also really need to be able to have users or groups (sales, marketing, customer service) (something we can create our own groups and put users into the buckets) (this solves it for all businesses)
Then be able to have information shown for specific groups.
In my use case currently I DO NOT want Activity of form submissions, website, trigger link clicks etc to show to my users. As they can then click the links and see what ads I am running, what forms (questions, things we have spent money to figure out). Plus it just allows users to see things they really dont need to be focused on.
Would just like to remove that option and have users see exactly what we want them to see.
Jay Martin
Pallavi Kothari
Jay Martin
Pallavi Kothari Core Platform Activity feed should include all opportunity's created, changed, status change, opened, deleted, calls, etc. Honestly Activity feed on the right side menu just needs to go to the center and view by all activity so you can see everything then filter by each type and also have each activity that inputs data have a way to open it to see what was changed.
For example opportunity fields updated - pop open to see what opportunity fields were updated and then you can see what was updated, when it was updated and by who.
Then you can really start tracking all Activity and lead activity, calls, sms, contact field changes, opportunity field changes and just have it all.
Then have a filter for all events, filter by users, date range etc.
To add to this as well activity as the opportunity moving to a different pipeline stage, invoice paid, invoice fail, invoice sent, contract sent, contract deleted, contract "signed" completed. All this so you can see everything that is going on.
For example photo
Austin Hall
Core Platform you merged another post with this that involves bringing parity to the tabs between Conversations and Contact records. I posted a detailed summary that I believe would really help with this, feel free to merge it with this one if you feel it fits.
Martin Mojica -
add API to the activity feed
Artur Adamiak
Would love to see who sent the last message (inbound/outbound) for automations and follow ups would make things so much easier.
Farhad Irani
If Activity Feed can be apart of API, that would be awesome too! I would love to be able to get details of it through the API. There are some cool reports I could make if that happened.
Jenna Leadingham
Would also love to see memberships and communities info in the contact section
Eric Glaze
I am looking for this same feature, I had this in Klaviyo and I feel its the main feature that I am still missing inside GHL. I want to be able to have smart lists that automatically update with engaged vs disengaged contacts. The only way to track this that I know of is to track based on last date the contact opened or clicked inside an email. This can help businesses in so many ways. The system is already close based on last activity...however this seems to be last activity that happened to the contact as opposed to last activity the contact initiated namely email opened/clicked etc.
I would also love a much cleaner way to view smart lists as I keep many lists and the way they are currently displayed appears a bit clunky.
Daniel Grinshpun
Would be great to see in the Activity Feed if a person Clicked a Link or Replied to a specific Email Campaign sent from GHL
Sam Buckley
Also how many times an email has been opened. Our clients find this very useful to see how interested or warm a lead is.
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