Additional phone numbers (Type and contact method preference)
Ammon A
Often there is a second person (For example a spouse) you need to communicate with or There is a home phone and a cell phone it would be good to be able to have multiple phone numbers in a contact and then set a default for calls, and one for texts. If I could add multiple numbers and set default preferences (For Calling and SMS) it would streamline things a ton. (Rather than swapping numbers in and out of notes to call a decision-maker)
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Pallavi Kothari
Paul Segneri
Also the ability to copy the phone number only from the contact it the user is wanting to use their own mobile to call from. Additionally, the app only shows one contact phone number.
Shawn Moser
I'm surprised this only has 8 votes. I'm assuming there are duplicates because this is critical and I'm quite shocked it has to be asked for. At a minimum there needs to be a phone for the contact and a separate phone for the business.