Add Opportunity in Contact Detail View
David Davis
If a lead does not have an opportunity, you have to leave the lead detail view just to create one. Why not show (+Add) Opportunity in the contact details as you have (+Add) Active Campaigns. Currently you can only edit an existing Opportunity from here, but you cannot create one if it doesn't exist.
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Pallavi Kothari
This is possible now
Jeremy Steinman
Pallavi Kothari will the opportunities section ever move to the right hand menu in the contact view vs. buried on left with custom fields/etc.?
Pallavi Kothari
Jeremy Steinman We are planning on moving it to the right in the current quarter itself along with a bunch of updates to the contact details page.
Jeremy Steinman
Pallavi Kothari excellent news! Form submissions too??
Pallavi Kothari
Jeremy Steinman that is already accessible right?
What exactly about form submissions?
Jeremy Steinman
Pallavi Kothari it would be great to have form submissions short cut linked in The screenshot below shows the breakdown of the current setup vs. the ideal.contacts/conversation views.
A lot of leads enter the system via a form, and it would be great to see their submission easily in contact view vs. having to reference "Activity" to find it or go to Sites --> forms.
Consider a business that just had a new consultation form submitted with pertinent details. Would be great to reference that in contact/conversation view so can be easily accessed during sales/customer service conversations.
it would be great to have short cut form submissions linked to contacts/conversation views. I notice in "documents" short cut that there is a section for forms, inbound conversations, surveys, but no files are shown for this contact...Is that a bug or is that a future enhancement?
Screenshot below shows breakdown of current set up vs. ideal. And documents shortcut showing zero files.