Add Custom Field of Type Email
under review
James Hurst (ddxweb)
Just like people may have multiple phones and we have a Custom Field type of Phone Number with phone number like validation. People have multiple emails and we could use a Custom Field of type email with email validation.
That would be step 1.
To take things to higher level it would be great to somehow failover to a secondary email in workflows, etc and actually send to this secondary email, etc.
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Silvio Kirsammer
This would be great!
Or even better: Full functionality for all phonenumbers/emails in the standard fields:
- Workflows
- Forms
- Displaying field values
And the ability to organize them properly by predefined Custom Names and an individual note, e. g.:
Type of Number: Work Landline 1
Number: +0 0000 0000
Note: New York Office
WebMyMoney Administrator
This is needed! Thank you
Core Platform
under review