Instant Notes (Company/personal, not account)
Deryck Jones
It would be really useful to have an area where we can post "company" level notes - not account notes, but company notes. Like having a journal. Something we can pop up quickly, no matter where we are in the system, and record a time/date stamped note for ourselves. It would be good if we could reference an account, a contact, etc. Highly searchable so ideas, references, etc., are easily found.
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Richard Walsh
This + Roll up any notes, tasks, opportunities, etc. that the company is associated to via it's child contacts.
Chelsea Richardson
Company level notes are super important and I’m shocked they’re not already available. For example, Company X doesn’t do this type of work. Or Company Y is interested in this type of opportunity. It’s company-wide information, not contact-specific, so I want it to show up regardless which contact I click on that is associated with that company.