Unlock courses with levels (HUGE!)
in progress
Oliver Zehnter
Would be a huge improvement in engagement if we can unlock selected courses
for users who have reached a certain level. Just like in Skool ... (screenshot below)
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Pascal Wagner
Really looking forward to this! This is a huge plus to moving away from Skool and having everything integrated.
Ben Sweet
do it
Rachel Steinmetz
Shivani Gera
in progress
Cesar Rodriguez
Can we put this 'Under Review" please with a cherry on top?
Cesar Rodriguez
Yes, so needed, otherwise it's obsolete. Can we do like skool?
Parker Chaney
Please yes
Helmut Eder
yes that is a essential feature. more higher levels - more courses, or secret things. so motivate people to interact....
because the "feature" is inside i think, but not active. you can add a course, but missing the step Level 1 to 7 to choose.
please add a.s.a.p. this feature.
Sebastian Cruze
This is really needed RevEx Group, glad you put it on the board!
So that way there can be a free community that everyone has access to plus a tier of paid membership that gives access to the Private Channel(s) + Locked Courses
Also really needed to be able to lock courses within the Paid Member Tier so that certain courses can be unlocked (manually is ok) as Paid Members reach certain levels or are a member for a certain period of time etc
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