Unlock Courses Subcategories based on timeframe
Jay Martin
Basically the ability to unlock a subcategory inside of a course based on x timeframe since joining or based on x timeframe from enrolling inside of the course. This way you can essentially drip out content to the user over time.
From FB GHL post
"Is time unlock, the after set duration from the join date, is “join date” from the time they are granted access to a course. Or the course itself becomes available after they join what?
I guess what’s the trigger for the timer?
Is it on the roadmap to expand subcategories access permissions- such as by time vs current unlock only if they completed x lesson. Then we could run subcategories as time based, say access to this subcategory month 1 then access to category 2 in month 2 for a 12 month program for example."
"Salena Knight
Shivani G we we need to be able to unlock based on a specific date, not just "time after join". This is essential when you have monthly cohorts.
We currently have to have 3 versions of the exact same course, and feed them from one to the other, because we can't unlock at specific dates."
"Jed Hatton
time based sub categories would be so cool, sort of like a drip feed of content - I know other platforms do this and it works very well. Keeps students focused."
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