Arrangement of products within the Product list page was an issue. Buyers always faced issue with the discoverability of products and as a store owner this was a bottleneck. To tackle this problem, store owners can now add the sort and filter option in the product list page.
How to use:
  1. Navigate to the product list page, and select the product list element. There would now be 2 toggles to enable Sorting and Filtering. Enable them to add Sort & Filter elements to your Product List page.
  2. Configure properties for the sort and Filter. Some of the properties that can be configured are:
  • Sort and filter text color
  • Sort and filter pill color
  • Reset button color
  1. Click on save/Publish to view your changes in your site!
Some key aspects:
  • Sort and filter options are only available in the product list page
  • Default sort order is Date - Old to new
  • By default all products will be shown without any filters
Adding Sort & Filter to your store-
image (13)
Configure properties of Sort & Filter-
image (14)
Filter option preview in product list page-
image (15)
Applying Filter to products-
image (16)
Sort option preview in product list page-
image (17)