Now agencies can have control over how they want to handle subscription failures from their SaaS clients. When a SaaS client's subscription fails they agency can choose to
  1. Pause their sub-account
  2. Leave it operational
This setting can be controlled here
Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 8
If enabled, this setting will pause client sub-accounts when their SaaS subscription fails.
What is meant by a Subscription failure?
A subscription is considered failed when your client is not paid up and it has
status in Stripe. To learn how Stripe subscription statuses work please refer to this Stripe help article -
What does "pause" sub-account mean?
When a sub-account is paused location admins & users (sub-account admin & users) are unable to log into the sub-account whereas they agency admins & users continue to have access to the sub-account. Please refer to this release notes for full details -
Once my client's sub-account is paused, how can it be reactivated?
A paused sub-account can be reactivated if
  1. An agency admin manually clicks on
    Resume Sub-Account
    on the manage client page
  2. The client reactivates their SaaS subscription by paying from the lockout screen
  3. The agency logs into stripe and manually sets the subscription status to
    by marking the pending invoice as paid or
    by adding trial days.