Location and User level permissions
  • Introducing location level permissions for certificates module, users can now enable/ disable certificates for respective locations.
User-level permissions have been implemented to manage access rights within the certificates module for various users.
Undo Redo in certificate builder
  • Introducing undo redo functionality in certificate builder.
  • Users can now seamlessly control there edits, they can now also creatively experiment knowing they can backtrack if needed.
Accessibility in certificate builder
  • Introducing keyboard shortcuts in the certificate builder for quick actions such as previewing, saving, and undoing/redoing edits, providing users with greater control and convenience.
  • Users can now utilize shortcuts like CTRL / ⌘ + Z for undo and CTRL / ⌘ + S for save in the certificate builder, enhancing workflow efficiency.
Bug Fixes:
  • Added a close button for Send button nav bar (inside builder)