• Business users will now be able to directly attach taxes to a product
  • The taxes attached to a product will automatically populate across any channel where the product is sold like Order forms, Payment links, Ecom stores, or invoices
  • In Invoices, adding the product will automatically add the attached taxes to that invoice for a given product.
  • Users will have the option to attach multiple taxes to any product.
  • The taxes will also apply to recurring products, including any subsequent payments happening after the first charge
  • Taxes will be calculated on subtotal amount after applying discounts
  • Deleting a tax from the Taxes section will remove it from all the products where it was attached
  • Tax rate update for a given tax will apply the updated rate to all the existing products where it is attached
  • Users can configure taxes manually under
    Payments -> Settings -> Taxes
Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 6