We are excited to announce new and simplified controls for white-label agencies to control apps' visibility to sub-accounts in the app marketplace.
Why was this enhancement necessary?
Gaining agencies' trust is important for the success of the App Marketplace. This means white-labelled agencies must have control over the sub-accounts App Marketplace experience. While some agencies are flexible to allow their sub-accounts to install any app in the marketplace, many agencies prefer to review and approve apps before they are made accessible to the sub-accounts in the marketplace.
Until now, agencies could approve or disapprove apps from being visible in the App Marketplace for sub-accounts. With newer apps being added to the marketplace every week, agencies need a way to enforce a default decision - either auto-approve or auto-disapprove apps.
What's New?
We have now added 3 levels of incremental controls for white-label agencies:
  1. Allow sub-accounts to access the App-Marketplace in the left navigation menu.
  2. Allow sub-accounts to access All Apps. If disabled, users can only access Installed apps
  3. Auto-approve newly added apps in the App Marketplace