Ad Manager
Ad manager - Statistics
We’re excited to introduce Statistics for Ad Manager to effectively monitor the ad campaigns created by the users and make data driven decisions based on different metrics. This will serve as a crucial tool for advertisers to measure, analyse, and optimise their advertising campaigns, ultimately driving better results and maximising return on investment.
👀 What’s New?
- The ad manager home screen now has 2 tabs: Campaigns and Statistics. A new tab is added to show ad campaign statistics.
- On click of the statistics tab, users can visualise the Performance Analytics and Conversion Summary of all the campaigns along with the tabular representation of different metrics specific to all the campaigns.
- Ability to filter the statistics of all campaigns by selecting a date range or selecting the page to which the campaign belongs.
- Individual campaign statistics can also be monitored by clicking on the campaign name from the list of campaigns to effectively visualise and make calculated decisions.
👷 How It Works:
1. All ad campaigns statistics
- On Ad Manager home screen, there are two tabs present: Campaigns(default selection) and Statistics. Click on Statistics tab, a new screen opens up showing the different metrics associated with all the Published and Paused campaigns.
- A date filter can be added by selecting the date range and the statistics within that date range will be shown for all the campaigns present in the list.
- A page filter can be added by the user enabling them to select a page from the dropdown and the statistics of the campaigns published on the selected page(s) will be shown.
2. Individual ad campaign statistics
- On the statistics tab, a table is shown giving the campaign performance details based on different metrics like clicks, ROI, CPC, CTR, etc.
- User clicks on the individual campaign name and a new page with stats specific to the ad campaign selected will be shown.
- Date filter exists for individual campaigns as well to see the stats of this campaign only within the defined date range.
⭐ Why it Matters:
- Effective monitoring of campaigns- The introduction of Ad Manager reporting/statistics will enable advertisers to monitor metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and expenditure to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
- Improves Ad Manager value- Statistics in Ad Manager serves as a crucial tool for advertisers to measure, analyse, and optimise their advertising campaigns, ultimately driving better results and maximising return on investment.
- Mitigate shortcomings- Till now we had the ability to create and ad campaigns, create tracking pixels for them but the ability to make data driven decisions was pending as there were no visible metrics present. The introduction of ad campaign statistics will tackle these shortcomings and create a much needed closed circuit Ad Manager.