Bulk Create or upload Custom Fields/Values
Dave Smith
When setting up a new account that is not included in a snapshot, manually entering and creating custom fields/values is a long an tedious process.
If there was the ability to upload a CSV or to bulk create these it would save a lot of time.
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Evan Knutson
This would be so great. Our snapshot runs on dropdowns for our clients and populating all of those are SO TIME CONSUMING for our clients
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Bulk Import of custom field values
Debjoti Dutta
It will be great if we can have the option to create bulk multiple fields in a dropdown custom field. I am creating a custom field where I need to have more than 6,000 values It is very hard to enter those 6,000 values manually, plus after certain amount of values, it is very hard to continue uploading as the field is starting to not respond. I had a meeting with someone from GoHighlevel support team, and they told me there is no solution for this. even they are facing same issue while adding any data or value in that custom field
Duane Winkel
While you build this it would be awesome to be able to put the custom field in a particular folder too.
Juan Platero
I was also struggling with so many Custom Value/Field imports that I ended up making 2 apps for the marketplace to do so. I released it recently
Here's the link for those who want to save time:
Juan Platero
Just released today for Custom Fields! Start saving time guys!!
Duane Winkel
Juan Platero YOU ROCK!
Tony Dicks
Juan Platero great idea...can't find it in the marketplace: searched by innexum. And the links show the app, but when I try to login from the link (since it doesn't recognize me as already being logged into GHL) it says there's an error with my credentials (which doesn't make sense). If you have any ideas of how I can overcome the error or find this in the marketplace now, I'd love to use this today.
Juan Platero
Tony Dicks the app is only available at the subaccount marketplace. It seems that you're looking at the agency marketplace.
To install it, you need to go to the Subaccount you want to use it in. Then go to marketplace and search for "Import" and you will see 2 apps. One for custom fields and another for custom values. Make sure you understand the difference before installing. So far it cannot be installed at the agency subaccount and it's charged to the subaccount individually.
Good luck!
Tony Dicks
Juan Platero Understood...thanks Juan!
Nick Templeton
Juan Platero do you know what the maximum length of the value of a custom field can be? For example could I put a chunk of website text in a field so that I could update all the Web pages that use it in one go?
Juan Platero
Nick Templeton I have no idea. Try and let us know ;)
Regarding my bulk app, if it's supported by the API, then it should work
Nick Templeton
Juan Platero Yeah I'm talking about your app :-) love it - so the upload field is unlimited? And do you know if it can handle a custom value added within it as a value and can it handle a hyperlink?
Juan Platero
Nick Templeton I wouldn't say it's unlimited. Never tried to reach the max, but i guess GHL API won't let me push like a full website.
Regarding hyperlinks and other things, it would have the same behavior as if you write them manually (no clue if manually works).
The bulk app is just taking your inputs and making the API calls, there's no interpretation behind
Adam Campbell
This would be so helpful! We are sometimes building out accounts with hundreds of custom fields. Being able to create these in a spreadsheet would save so many hours of time!
Dave Smith
I am so surprised there are not more people upvoting this, lol
Julius Acang
It'll be great to have this. This will be a huge time saver.
Alexis Hailey
I am have to import CSVs multiple times a day!!!! This would be huge for me
Eric Langley
And bulk editing existing custom field values for dropdowns, radio buttons, etc..
Nicholas Stone
Just creating a new workflow for a Customer with 36 custom fields; really tedious having to key them manually then having to port them over to 6 other Customers with a snapshot! Really need this feature.
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