Blog Article Control
in progress
Milad Sultanian
Please give us more control over the blog article pages, the image of each blog article only has 1 slot and no matter what it makes it massive on the article page.
Give us more control over the page so the headline on the blog page doesn't go into each article.
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Sales & Marketing
in progress
Henriette Gladiator
if you use CSS it is possible to adjust your picture
Dylan R
Yes please add. If anyone needs help I figured out a roundabout way to achieve this.
Gabriel Giwa
Dylan R please how do I fix mine, I am currently having the same issue.
John Collins
Yes, why is the SEO image only able to be one size, it look ridicules at the top of the post!!
Tyler Wolford
Yes the default layout is not a great look for a blog. Please give us control on what info we can put up there and be able to edit it as well please!
Sales & Marketing