Overall Speed/Performance Updates
Michael Schreiber
Guys, I know I'm not the only one struggling with slow loading times on a lot of GHL. We replaced the 9 dots of death with the ring of stress..
We all absolutely LOVE all the new features coming out, but can we pause for a sec and just update the servers or whatever needs to be done in order to make the GHL experience even better for our clients?
I'm an affiliate for GHL as well, so when I make videos promoting GHL and my load times are 30-60 seconds, it can be difficult to be confident in this for new users.
So please, let's just take a second to improve overall speed and performance of GHL!
Me love you long time!
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Maximilian Perhab
so sad.
even 1000000 more features would not help if our custuomers are not willing to use it because they would need so much more time to just wait and look at the loading icon. frustrating.
close.io. hubspot, pipedrive.. all are fast. but ghl is like a 2000 software.. I get tickets from clients that things are not working - i already know that they are working but they would need to wait a few minutes or clear cache the tenth time that day haha
Pretty sure it will get better soon :)
Ben Vickers
GHL has always been slow.... Occasionally we get a burst of improvement, but it never really helps much compared to the competition.
Communities especially is painfully slow, even in incognito... Significant delay for the letters to appear in the text box when typing text to make posts. It's poor user experience that makes it pretty much unusable.
Is the code really that bloated? lets speed it up.
Do they care that theres 290+ votes on this? It appears not..... :-(
It's about time that GHL management actually started to care about this as it is the one thing stopping it from being a real contender in the market.
PAUSE ALL DEVELOPMENT FOR 3 MONTHS AND FIX THE SPEED - We don't give a $#%& about new features - We need speed before it kills our businesses!!!!
Does anybody at GHL actually listen to this thread?
Does anybody at GHL care about this serious issue?
Damien O'dwyer
Question, anyone in this thread based in USA. I am in UK and GHL is painfully slow.
Steven Rodriguez
That case was opened in 2023 with more than 290 votes, and looks like they don't care.
Damien O'dwyer
Steven Rodriguez Agreed, we need to all start posting in communities so we are heard. I am sending an email to the founders because I am about to lose a £1000 a month client because of speed issues.
Damien O'dwyer
This is a client loser. All well and good adding features but one of my clients has said it is 1000x slower than HUBSPOT.
Andrew Eastoe
Had similar performance issues where i was waiting upto 60 seconds for pages to load.
Here's how i brought that down to 10-20 seconds (still really slow but not stab eye balls out slow).
- Remove any tabs on chrome with GHL currently open... better yet, remove all tabs and only have a GHL window open
- Clear cache and cookies
- Sign out of Google Chrome Profile
- If above 3 fail, try using Chrome in incognito
Hope it helps.
Brett J Fogle
I'm also having this issue, and I have a Gigabit connection. It's not my internet speed, it's GHL is Painfully SLOW. What's being done to improve this guys? I'm moving my entire business over, but this is my biggest frustration so far.
Paul Johnson
I am pretty novice at all this, but how it handles memory might be an indicator, on Chrome it is using 5x more then anything else and I find if I stop the process and then refresh it starts to perk up a bit, before then starting to chug again.
Tommy Cunningham
100% agree, speed's been our kryptonite for the 2+ years we've used GHL. Our sales team has to distract clients with small talk during demos while waiting for things to load majority of the time.
Seriously, GHL, we love the features, but how about giving the platform a real speed boost? You’d make a lot of people very happy - and productive!
Martin Mora
I don't know what you guys are talking about, I haven't had any speed issued in over a year. maybe it's your internet or computer or both.
Brett J Fogle
Martin Mora maybe you have some special backdoor connection.. It's terribly slow for the rest of us. Even when turning off a VPN.
Martin Mora
Brett J Fogle I only have decent pc, But I do have a 1gigabit internet connection. I don't know if that has something to do with it.
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