cc and bcc available in workflows
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Hayden Richardson
Just a tip with this one:
You can actually use the internal notification to send emails to multiple addresses out of a workflow. Obviously you'll just have to set custom values for the email address. Make sure to separate with a comma.
If I'm wrong here, someone please correct me!
Paige Battcher
Would be crucial for these to allow custom fields. For example: Spouse Email Address.
Or even a relational option such as:
- All contacts associated with Custom Object
Nathan Quinn
Excited this is planned! Can't wait for feature to be added.
Rick Marengo
I would like this too. The reasons include:
- can check emails going out
- alert sales without logging in to HL
- store the emails in our AXLR8 MessageStore in that client's record
Rick Marengo
I love a forum where I can agree wholeheartedly with everyone including myself!
Jess Pojas
Agree, this should be a no brainer addition. Can we get an ETA on this update?
Robert Wazlavek
Prasoon Dadhich Is there a timeline for this? CC/BCC in workflows is desperately needed.
Prasoon Dadhich
Cant share an exact timeline as of now but trying for this quarter end
MidniteSystems // Nic P
Hello. I am a Cyber Security student currently in networking and I want to suggest this to help the automation builders. I use the automation section to help Instagram account with thousands of followers comb through there dms
Please add the functionality to create color boxes to separate and easily identify automation tiles.
Below is a link to an image from I use the Cisco Packet Tracer in school and it has the functionality to create colored boxes to help separate the devices loaded on on the board.
THIS would be huge. The Automation board is just plain white and can make editing automations hard. If we could place semi transparent colored boxes or any shape behind the automation tile you create a easier way for us to track our huge automation
I cant tell you how many times Ive edited the wrong thing and got to far before noticing and Im sure I'm not the only one
This would be a tool to up our game and I have more ideas if your interested to hear about them
Rick Marengo
MidniteSystems // Nic P
Wow Nic.
That is really some big old automation. I would get lost in there, too!
An easier enhancement for HL to develop might not be a rectangle over areas of automation but rather the ability to colour individual automation steps/items. You could then group automations by more things than just a branch area on the screen.
This would achieve your goal as well.
Ju Do
In our business we have a lot of word of mouth and online referrals i.e. current clients referring their friends to become our new clients. Would it be possible to add the email address of the referrer (as a custom field) in the cc of a workflow email please!
Prasoon Dadhich
Merged in a post:
Add cc/bcc Fields
Gilmar San Buenaventura
It would be helpful to allow cc/bcc on "Send Email" action in Workflows and Campaigns as well.
Prasoon Dadhich
Oscar Solares
Prasoon Dadhich Do you have a timeline for this to be implemented?
Prasoon Dadhich
Oscar Solares We are trying for early next quarter but won't be able to share an exact date here.
Stuart Gelin
Prasoon Dadhich Any updates? This would be huge for us.
Prasoon Dadhich
Stuart Gelin Sorry this got pushed back due to other priorities. We will be picking this up in Q4
Kahea Kamauu Cal
Prasoon Dadhich we really need this for our business - it is critical that we can do cc and bcc to our clients so they can just respond to the correct team member per our workflow - do you have a date yet by chance?
Prasoon Dadhich
Kahea Kamauu Cal This is planned for Q4
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