Webhook Verification
Scott Heliker
Abiltiy to verify our webhook from the Oauth 2.0 API payloads are coming from High Level would be great.
Something similiar to this possibly.
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Karthik Anand (HighLevel)

Karthik Anand (HighLevel)
Sergio Leon
Agreed! HMAC validation using the Client Secret as key derivation material is the defacto standard for this.
Only caveat I would put, this needs to be opt-in, not like in the picture.
Requiring that the receiver verify the payload at the point of catching the webhook would harm integrators' ability to use off-the-shelf platforms.
Making it opt-in would also allow for store-and-forward architectures that defer evaluation of the signature (e.g/: enqueuing incoming messages and applying throtthling to smooth out peaks in resource utilization)
Georgi Anastasov
Yes, right now there is no way to verify if the webhook is actually coming from GHL, HMAC validation will be a great way to achieve this