Ability to adjust PHP Version to 8.x or Above
Jacob Warren
For WordPress hosting, there are multiple plugins that require new versions of PHP in order to operate correctly.
Currently, the default PHP version is 7.4, and we need the ability to use PHP 8.0 and above in order to serve client sites and customization needs adequately.
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Robert Diaz
We also need to know the # of PHP workers and memory our plan has and what happens when we go over these limits. We are being kept in the dark here.
Robert Diaz
This is critical. We need it!
Robert Cekay
Still no updates?
James Bullis
Cloudways just rolled 8.3.
Ben Santolorin
Hoping GHL team can do something about this and help in updating the PHP. This is a crucial thing
David Roche
Not having PHP on latest stable is a deal breaker. Being locked into 7.4 is HIGH RISK due to loop holes and security vulnerabilities. Not to mention SPEED. PHP 8.x has considerably faster performance and clients need this as Google actively penalizes slow sites.
Tony B.
Yup just asked & was referred to this let’s get ‘em on it!
Jacob Warren
Any further updates on when this might be resolved?
Jacob Warren
Especially considering PHP 7.4 is no longer getting security or any other patches. And 8.0 is at its end of life with 8.1 end of life at the end of this year.
Jacob Warren
Just wanted to say thank you to the upvotes...
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