Maximum 150 website pages allowed
Jeff Kushnir
There needs to be an unlimited amount of website pages allowed for many industries. All of my real estate clients can’t and won’t use GHL due to this maximum amount of pages. It’s beyond frustrating and shows how entry level GHL is.
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Sevan Nazarian
Why the hell do you need more than 150 pages for Realtors? I can understand for ecommerce, but real estate?
Zakary Kerr
Agreed. This seems very counter productive and limiting if listings, products, and blog posts are considered separate pages. I understand that hosting costs money, absolutely, but there has to be a business solution GHL can determine.
Nate Freedman
There is a limit of 150 pages on GHL websites. This should be a relatively easy fix and we would like unlimited pages.
Daniel Hendricks
There's a maximum? I just made a 50 page website because i didn't like the ghl blog tool. Made a page for each blog page number and each blog is its own page.