Improve Website SEO - 301 Redirects, Sitemaps, Robots.txt, Blog Option
Kathy DalPra
Because HL is missing 301/302 redirects, migrating websites into HL is impossible in some cases because we can't forward old URLs to new URLs. (For example, if the previous site had the .html or .htm extension on all URLs, HL drops this and, thus, the old URL path needs to be forwarded to the version without .html). For optimal indexing, websites also absolutely must have a sitemap. Further, what website doesn't have the ability to add blog posts? The website module is still very limited at this point.
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Matt Graves
I cannot migrate all of my websites in Webflow to HighLevel until we can create our own website pages under root/folders because we will lose all of our SEO rankings unless it matches our original URL structure exactly.
For example, my site has location pages for each of my services which rank high on Google. They look like this:
Currently there is no way to create a website page in HighLevel under the 1st folder (in my example, the location after "/car-detailing").
As soon as this is solved I'll be migrating all websites from Webflow to HighLevel
Julie White
When will we get this please? So many clients who I'd love to move to GHL but until we have the option of multi-path redirects it's just not possible.
Joe Brown
All the announcement and no action on this :(
Julie White
Joe Brown 😒
Tony Finbarr-Smith
Robots.txt doesn’t seem to be a thing in GHL sites?
Jodee Peevor
We have redirects now and we have blog - we just cant redirect urls with multiple ////
Joe Brown
Jodee Peevor - that is the main issues and we cant pull over wordpress sites.
Alex Ratynski
Yes, having actual redirects is crucial. As well as a bulk redirect option that can be uploaded via a CSV. Otherwise using the website builder is not really an option for any business with a previous website on that domain. Especially if it ever ranked organically.
HighLevel Support
we are having the same issue! very frustrating. 3 years later and not addressed .
Norton Rodriguez
Not having actual redirects, read the last line here:, you may as well not advertise the website builder, remove the fake URL Redirects tab (that makes it seem like the functionality exists when it doesn't) and just keep the funnels for landing pages from ads that don't care to rank organically. You added hundreds of templates that are ok instead of adding actual redirect capability.
Jessie George
David Greenberg
Yes! This is crazy. I only discovered this after migrating a client's site over! We are not able to add 301s via GHL if they are multilevel paths! An error pops up when we try e.g. a 301 can't be added for: Can you add as a feature please as most websites will have mutiplelevels within their URL structure! @Shaun Clark
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