Change the color of social media icons in the "social icons" widget
João Gonzalez
How come I cannot change the color of the social media icons in the new "social icons" widget?
Does it make any sense to anyone that we can only use the exact gray tone that Go High Level selected for the social media icons? Despite the fact that we get to change the color of the text.
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Keith Besherse
This should be a Brand Boards function.
Shivam HighLevel, Sales & Marketing
Rebecca Gonzales
We desperately need this!
Jenni Wallace
Totally agree. Even if you just added all white that would be an immediate fix. I can change the text color but need the icons to change to all white and no text...
Elizabeth Goede
Yes please at a bare minimum offer social icons in white. having a color picker is ideal but white would help in a large amount of cases.
Drew Cain
Also need to be able to adjust the margins so they can left or right align.
If anyone is looking for a workaround solution to get WHITE social media icons for your Website/Funnel in the meantime until GHL devs are able to make a color picker for their Social Icon SVGs, you can use the "DARK" Social Media Icons element (which is actually not even true black (#000) but rather an off-dark blue color (#475466, for anyone curious), then copy/paste the following custom CSS code to make it a perfect white (#FFFFFF):
social-icons-container {
filter: invert(100%) sepia(80%) saturate(2%) hue-rotate(349deg) brightness(127%) contrast(101%);
Hope that helps in the meantime.
Tyler Hughes
Market you're missing a period in front of your social-icons-container since it's a class.
Jenni Wallace
Market I appreciate this help but I'm struggling with how to use it. The advanced tab for the social icons doesn't show a traditional ccs box. I'm attaching a screen shot of what I see. If you have a solution to do all white icons, I'd really appreciate the help!
Tyler Hughes you are correct! good catch.
Jenni Wallace A few important pieces for this to work:
-You need to choose the DARK social icons variant.
- See that class name in your box, '#social-icons-MxJAPp'? hit the copy button (the 2 stacked squares logo). Replace my code from above with your specific class name, just replace the '#" with a leading dot, e.g:
.social-icons-MxJAPp {
filter: invert(100%) sepia(80%) saturate(2%) hue-rotate(349deg) brightness(127%) contrast(101%);
Now paste the above into the page's 'Custom CSS' (paint brush icon in the page config bar in the website/funnel builder for the page -- 5th icon from left.
save and test.
Hope that helps.
Lucy Junghans
Yes, PLEASE update to allow customisation of the color for the social icons.
The current options are limited.