✅ Project Management Level
under review
Iver Aune
My B2B customers, medium - large contractors to be specific, has been requesting a Project Management feature for a long time.
➕ Add a Project tab in the main meny that could be toggled on/off like other features.
✅ Create a new project.
✅ Assign staff, contacts, companies and opportunities to the project.
✅ Add basic data to the project like address, value, source, etc.
✅ Let us add custom fields, notes, documents, tasks, etc.
✅ Let us assign proposals, estimates, appointments, invoices, etc. to the project.
✅ Let us mark communication like emails and SMS to the project.
➕ Let us switch between two overviews.
✅ Listed view, like the contacts-view with search, bulk actions, etc.
✅ Pipeline view, like opportunities-view with custom steps.
Please comment below if you have additional ideas.
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Tawnie Breaux
Great idea!
Eric Huggins
I also would be very interested in this..
Chris Bigelow
Please add this; we really, really need this. It would finally give us an "all-in-one" total solution.
Iver Aune
➕ Project Templates
Cheyenne Stanley
Under "Contacts" - Duplicate Setup for tab named "Company" and Call it "Project/Job" and have the fields customizable so platform can be custom for specific service industry.
Iver Aune
Cheyenne Stanley too simple
Cheyenne Stanley
Iver Aune - I agree and I think it is a great start. Of course additional add-ons can come later but this will at least allow us to better align it with our client needs and then we can build from there
Iver Aune
The project management feature would have good use of a Time Registration System feature:
Iver Aune
Let us add assigned people with different roles.
✅ Admin with full control
✅ Assigned staff with adjustable permissions
✅ External contractor (in our case other plumbers, electricians, etc.) also with adjustable permissions
✅ End customer also with adjustable permissions
Permissions like:
➕ Ability to add tasks, or even view tasks
➕ Ability to view or type in chat
➕ Ability to view or upload images, documents, etc.
➕ Ability to add other staff/people with same or less permissions as them self
➕ Access to view invoices, proposals and estimates
Mark Hoffman
Would be great if we could also link to a PM tool like Clickup or Asana in some way.
Jason Hanrahan
has there been any updates on this?
Hans Eisenman
I think there are some must-haves which might be missed here and I feel like they are crucial to getting a project started, moving and
.Project completion has to be at the top of the list.
The key to a project being complete-able is that is is clear, with finite tasks.
Tasks must include
child (aka: sub) tasks
, clearly shown by indention.Dependencies
must be assignable too (which tasks must be done before another one is started. Dependencies have important nuances to them and these should also be expressed. Example: Start Task 2 after Task 1 has STARTED (or is half way complete, or 1 day after it Task 1 was started...etc.). Dependencies have a DIRECT impact on "critical path" determination (the sequence of stages determining the minimum time needed for a project to complete).
Of course this all implies there be a
Start and Finish date
.Duration (days or hours)
is a vital column or you can't measure length of a task (this is tied to Start and Finish of course).There should be the ability to have infinite _threaded convos_ ("comments") inside each row.
Also need ability to _attach files at the row level_. Later this should have versioning.
Should also be a
% Complete column
.Very, very useful and borderline vital is _ability to create columns with certain properties_, such as:
Status flags
Contact list (to assign to member of subaccount)
Created by (subaccount member who added row)
Latest comment (see Threaded convo note above)
Modified by
Modified Date
Ideally you'd be able to _pivot the view of any sheet between Grid_ (aka: spreadsheet) and lanes (a la Trello). Gantt is an important view for timeline to visually ensure there aren't any big problems with important dates.
Super helpful is the ability to _conditionally format cells or rows_ based on boolean conditions, like "if Finish date is earlier than today and % complete is < 100, make Finish Date [color]."
_Shortcuts_: I can't understate how powerful this is for moving fast through a project. Specifically when creating new projects and quickly moving through the fields, indenting and generally just shaping the project up.
Also, _Filtering_ any view is important for easy viewing.
Lastly, need easy ability to
share project with customer
without making them jump through tons of hoops / friction. My personal fave is a "private link" feature which bypasses need to create a whole new account. But maybe that's not a big deal since they are probably clients of the subaccount already.There's more but these are the basics and, for my money, the difference between an "ok" PM tool and one that is built to get projects DONE.
It might be worth noting that everything I have described here is done
effectively in Smartsheet.com's projects. I have put over 6 companies on Smartsheet for their PM tool and no other tool even comes close in terms of how streamlined they are. It's all signal, no noise in terms of the UI/UX. Would highly recommend studying their app.H
Hans Eisenman
Just marked in bold the features that any project manager must, must have or it cannot really be considered a proper project management tool--just in case that helps product mgrs at HL.
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