To have the ability to create a dynamic smartlist by "currently assigned"
John Graham
To have the ability to create a dynamic smartlist we can share across all users. Need to have the "Assigned" filter to add logic so we can select "currently assigned" or "logged in user". Today, we want our users to have smartlists that look at the contacts assigned to them. So, we have to sign in as each user and create their smartlists and set their Assigned filter to equal their name. And we can't turn the "assigned data only" permissions because this will limit their dashboard view and we still want them to be able to search for any contact. This is simple logic and exists on other CRMs.
Log In
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Followed by ME and assigned to ME filters
Ryan Hartigan
We don’t have a way to make the followed by and assigned by filters connect to the user viewing the filters.
You can say it’s easy for a user to change it themselves, but when you many managers in an location with access to everything and some not as tech savvy as others, it’s much easier to have one Smart List that you can share with the other managers that will just automatically work for them rather than them having to create this filter (and any other additional filters we might have added to it) and save it as a completely new Smart list to themselves