Multiple calendar location options within a single calendar
Fernando De Los Santos
Give prospects the option to select appointment location within a single calendar.For example, they select an appointment date & time and on the next screen, where they type their information, they select if meeting should be by phone, Zoom or in person.Calendly has this feature and is very handy. The current workaround with GHL is to create 3 separate calendars and send users to the main calendar page where they can see the different calendars available and then pick a date and time, makes it less intuitive and makes them take an extra step.
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Swadha Bhoj
Merged in a post:
Ability to Select "In Person" or "Zoom" in Calendar; Meeting location populate accordingly
Brooke Haynes
We need the ability to have people cooking appointments to choose in person or zoom and then have the meeting location populate the address (that is always the same address) or a new zoom link according to which they picked.
Keith Besherse
Current request "in progress":
Are you requesting something different or in addition to this?
Brooke Haynes
Keith Besherseyes! I looked for this and didn't see it! Thank you! One thing I might add is the one the zoom option to populate a unique ID like we can in the round robin calednars, but yes, this is the request! Thank you!