Design Update/ Buttons as clickable elements
David Bak
Will there be a design update or will it stay like this? Because what you have delivered is not what we asked for! We wanted or needed to offer something like Heyflow (, scoreapp, etc. The possibility to add buttons instead of checkboxes. Or that you can, for example, put an icon or picture in a box and then the answer underneath so that you can click on it.
Sorry, but what you have published now is nothing more than a survey where the questions come one after the other.
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Jonas Carlstrom *
need this!!
Tiffany Lopez
I agree that this is an amazing feature to get incorporated into the quizzes. I’ll only ask that everyone remember that GHL rolls out new features in stages. We don’t have to be aggressive with saying it’s not what we asked for.
It takes them time to develop it to its fullest version. So everything they give us is done in like 3 stages. They’ll give us stage 1 with some basic functionality to allow us to get started, and then over the next few months they’ll keep adding other features, options and improvements The version we have now isn’t the final version.
So it’s cool to make suggestions but let’s take it easy. They literally just released a LOT of new stuff. ALL next year is supposed to be just improving and refining everything. This version of quizzes right now is just foundation for what we’ve been asking for.
James Bullis
Absolutely, makes it a lot easier for a user to click a button than to check a box or select a radial button.
Robert Madsen
Vote, vote, vote for this feature request from David Bak. Sometimes, you don't know what you don't know. Research what David is suggesting, and you will certainly vote for this feature. Imagine a feature similar to ScoreApp native within GHL. WOW!!! Huge value-add for all clients.
David Bak
Ability to replace:
Score App