Ability To Send To Unique Links Based On Quiz Score After Submit
Antia & Brody ❤️
For example, if they complete their quiz with 0-10 points, they go to one link, if they have 10 or more points to go to another link. Would be a great feature!
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Sunny Sangster
I agree 100%. Redirects based on responses/scores is a must!
Diego Martínez Tagle
Urgent!!! Please this function is key. Without this we have to redirect customers to whatsapp or mail, instead to a calendar. If the score is high to a calendar, if the score is slow to a thank you page.
Diego Martínez Tagle
This feaute is key. I can send and invitation to a meet or not depending the answers.
Chris Anderson
Please Please.
Sadly, both the quiz and survey features are virtually useless to me without the ability to create redirects based on the quiz/survey responses.
Andy D
Being able to use the If/Else conditional in Workflows based on Quiz scores & Quiz Answer Category Scores would be very powerful and flexible.
Also, there's no "Quiz Submitted" trigger, yet.