Create a QR Code
Paul Saunders
I would like to see the ability to have a QR code for each account and number within each account as a physical way of bring in a lead by displaying the QR on posters, table stands, website and other printed items - this combines the offline with the online world adding another way for our agencies and our clients to bring in new leads
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Nick Flowers
Sales & Marketing There needs to be an automation block for this so we can create a QR code for someone if they book an appointment that we can use as their ticket. One idea - it could be added to a media library folder and then be able to be saved to a File Upload custom field on the contact so it can be automatically emailed/messaged to them.
Keith2 Besherse
Please generate a QR code for each Trigger Link!
Keith Besherse
UTM builder in the QR builder
Sales & Marketing
Jeff Schniers
QR codes must be dynamic. Must.
Support Team
Sales & Marketing Please make the QR code system a tab in the left side bar. What GHL needs isn't just the ability to create QR codes in random places throughout the software, but a full QR code manager where we can create, edit, and manage any and all QR codes we want to generate, static or dynamic.
Jason Moran
Would be great if we could create a dynamic QR code specific to each contact. That way when the contact scans the QR code that is specific to them we could action off of that scan inside of a workflow.
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Gowtham Jakka
Sales & Marketing: We need a QR code website element too to choose the relevant code and add on the bio page or funnels/websites etc.
Mark Persaud
If this is being planned, please incorporate the functionality so we can have unique codes that can be redeemed, so we offer in store redeemable coupons in marketing for brick and mortar businesses. Thanks.
Sales & Marketing
Jithin Sujala
Yes please, qr code generation action in workflow and use the response(the created qr code) in emails etc down the line inside the workflow
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