Customers Update Their Own Credit Cards/Payment Type - When Required, Declined, Defaulted or Expiring Soon
This needs to be a function for All customers, not talking about sub-account owners, I mean real buyers for our company "Products", "Subscriptions", "Invoices", "Recurring Invoices", etc...
We need to be able to use a system/workflow to automate sending an "Update Credit Card"/"Payment Type" form/link out to any customer. The form needs to allow for customization and style so it can be properly branded for our company. It will need to allow for proper "Terms and Conditions" checkbox WITH a link to our legal pages as well.
We need to be able to trigger this from "Declines", "Defaults", and even from "Expiring Soon" parameters. Expirations should allow a trigger choice of how many days/weeks/months until expiration.
The workflow would also need to cover the possibility of multiple credit cards and/or recurring charges per contact, so they can be managed accordingly, as some may want to pay for products with different payment options. The "Trigger" being setup to allow for a targeted "Product", much as the "Purchase Triggers" currently function. Making it possible for a "Product in a Group" would be great as well, rather than singles r funnels being chosen.
Additionally we need to be sure that various coverage is in place for "Digital Payments", such as PayPal, so if a Customer does a "Stop Payment" or terminates the permission to continue charging at the "Digital Service" that we get a notice for "Decline/Terminate" in order to trigger the same workflow we setup for the above coverage to close accounts or remove products/programs/access accordingly.
This is vital to anyone with a Subscription/Membership product and even more so if they have "Annual" plans where it is very common for Credit Cards to expire before their second rebill charge.
This feature should also be added so that the API can allow for Plugins and Integrations to assist in management of their "Payment Methods" and "Products".
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Marc Gamble [AI Genius]
This is very important to several clients who are currently using Kartra and Keap. This feature is already built into those platforms and is a deal breaker for switching to HL if this is not a priority. Please advise promptly if this can be escalated