Custom Fields for Opportunities
Chris Sutton
Adding custom fields for opportunities has numerous advantages. One being that 3rd party tools can report back transaction ids to demonstrate ROI.Another being that data collected during an opportunity is often only relevant to the opportunity/transaction itself and not the contact for the long term (ex: Onboarding data)
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Allyson De Paula
This feature is very frustrating in API V2. The route to list custom fields does not come with Opportunities, only from Contact.
Route: Get Custom Fields
This is so obvious that it almost seems careless.
Minh Trinh Van
I'm really disappointed, API V2 cannot call customField from opportunity at all, can only call from contact, in my opinion this is an extremely serious error in the feature development process of GHL
Sachi Berg
what good are these custom fields if you can't use this throughout the platform though...
You can't use these opportunities custom fields in Documents/Invoices...
Mike Gentile
Really need this function to speed up workflow
Andy C
Yup, we have built some pipelines for various processes and it sucks a bit (a lot) that we can't choose what information to display on the opportunity cards. So much clicking into opportunities to see key data :-(
Tyson Kearns
These new opportunity custom fields don't appear to be working correctly in workflows. For instance, I can't do any math operations on opportunity custom fields like I used to be able to on contact custom fields. When can we see the call to opportunity custom fields catch up to what we had/have for contact custom fields?
Richard Walsh
Are we, or when can we, be able to use the custom fields in automations. I want to be able to copy data from the opp back to the contact.
Edesa Cabang
Can we retrieve custom fields for opportunities via API?
Samantha Brazenas
This is live, but it looks like you can only update the CF after you've created the opportunity, then go back into it. When I create an opportunity from a conversation, the CF options aren't there. Am I missing something?
Sandeep Sambhi
Last I checked we couldn’t use these fields in email templates or workflows. Where can we use these fields besides data placeholders in the opportunity?
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