Ability to customize opportunity card
Norman Elevencione
Right now when you open opportunity you can only see specific fields such as opportunity name, source, lead value, etc. but I want to add my custom fields because it also helps a lot and we are not using the lead value field because we have a different way of determining the lead value
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Sandeep Sambhi
It would be great if we can customize which fields we see depending on the pipeline we are viewing. Different pipelines have different fields that are relevant. A checkbox in the Custom Fields in Opportunities would allow us to add/remove a field from a specific pipeline.
Tommy Martin
Ah...Please add the ability to HIDE the Label/Title of the field in the card.
Before this update, the field info was visible without needing to hover.
Now, the card shows:
"Opportunity Source: Example Inform..."
instead of
"Example Information Is Here".
Although 'Compact View' hides the labels, it still does not show the info in full like it did prior.
Tayla Cameron
This is def a step in the right direction and is definitely an improvement. It would be really cool if you could see tags, maybe listed on the right side of the tile without having to hover over the tag to see them. Some design options would also be amazing, like maybe an option to change the color of the tile based on user set fields - I would love to be able to change the colors based on one of my custom fields!
Pallavi Kothari
Hi Everyone, we are glad to share that we released the feature which allows you to customize opportunity cards and add your desired fields on the same.
Do try it out and share your feedback:
Nathan Cameron
Pallavi Kothari "Desired Fields" is a misnomer. While this is a wonderful step in the right direction I have clients who want things like "Patient Due Date" or "Selected Major" on the opportunity card. As of now, custom fields are not supported and this seems to be the greatest need for this feature. I hope that's coming soon.
David Hall
Pallavi Kothari This link doesn't work. Looks like it is going to an admin dashboard and not something public.
Pallavi Kothari
David Hall should work now
Pallavi Kothari
Nathan Cameron Hi Nathan - we do support custom fields on the card as well. Could you share an instance where it is not working and raise a support ticket so the team could look into it.
Nathan Cameron
Pallavi Kothari
Nathan Cameron
Pallavi Kothari That's all I see. Custom Contact fields aren't an option anywhere.
Jennifer Slack
Nathan Cameron his picture his what I see as well.
Nathan Cameron
Jennifer Slack the fix is to add a custom field under Opportunites rather than Contact. Contact custom fields are NOT supported but opportunity custom fields are. I learned this from support. I had to update a few automations to get what I wanted on the card but it’s all good now!
Jennifer Slack
Nathan Cameron I discovered this earlier this morning too. I'm going to setup my workflow to update the opportunity field from the contact field I'm using.
Ty Averett
Pallavi Kothari The changes made are very helpful. However, based on my understanding of the op's wording it seemed like they wanted more ability to customize the opportunity once it was opened up and viewing more details.
For me, the ideal for opportunity card would be to:
-be able to add more fields from the contact, so that they can be edited from the opportunity without having to open the contact
-hide some fields (like the op mentioned they don't use certain fields)
-make some default fields required so that sales reps cannot save the opportunity without filling them out
Thanks, really appreciate your hard work!
Nolan Ryan
Would love the ability to have custom fields displayed in the opportunity contact card. This would allow us to quickly see which "leads" are a priority based on an answer to a custom field question.
Jay Fisher
when you fix this...add opportunity notes, tasks, and conversations. make them be part of the opportunity...not the contact...so that a manager can see all progress (notes, tasks, conversations) specific to the opportunity. this needs to be done asap. I am selling to a large franchise and this was a deal breaker...I have to rapidly build something in another program to try to salvage my deal. If this was completed...I sincerely believe I would be in the implementation stage rather than the sales stage. I just recently switched to GHL and I LOVE IT. Once the opportunity card and notes, conversations, and tasks can be tracked to the opportunity is complete, I will begin transitioning all of my clients to GHL.
Paul Brown
Jay Fisher, this is so true. It's a huge limitation.
Lubabalo Nontsele
This is very important, please attend to it asap. The notes and tasks should be associated with the opportunity rather than the contact so that one may be able to pull a filter on opportunities based on when they were updated (ie notes added) so this filter is more useful to the opportunity container than that of the contact.
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Custome Opportunity Field to Show in Opportunity Card without clicking it
Tim Britton
Currently all custom opportunity fields can only be viewed within the card, and not on the Opportunity cards showing in the Opportunity buckets.
Please give the option to have the custom fields show on the card.
Thank you.
Jen Anne
You have to move it to the Opportunity Details folder.
Ryan Eaton
Yes! we would love to also be able to see from the opportunity dashboard when a task is due for that opportunity as currently we have to click on every opportunity and then see their tasks from the side menu
David Linton
Definingly need the ability to modify what show on the opportunity "Card". B2C no need for business name, but B2B business name is critical. Custom colors would be nice too.
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