Rearrange Order of Products on an Order Form
Michael Walker
It doesn't look like there's a way to re-order products on an Order Form without deleting and re-adding them. It'd be nice to just drag and drop them into the correct order. Thank you
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Jeff Kelly
This would be extremely helpful in combination with the product filter when adding!
Aaron DeBenedetto P
Yeah, I agree with everyone here. I have a huge range of prices, and my gateway price needs to be seen at the top, with the larger packages at the bottom.
Ryan Webb
Aaron DeBenedetto P I agree, this is essential!!
Thibault Weber
please yes please yes. i have a client who uses an order for with 15 or so products and it's a pain in the rear every time she changes a price to have to delete and add all the products again just so they can be in the right order from top to bottom on order form.
Emilie Dupuis
I agree with this need
Brooke Haynes
What can we do to get others to vote on this. Now with the e-commerce site it seems essential.
Alisa Deen
Same thing on selecting to put on an invoice... would be nice to change the sort order
Fran Gourdet
Yes, this would be helpful, rather than copying and pasting a whole bunch of times.
Derek Woodward
One year later and I'm still confused why we don't have this? We have to clear ALL products, and re-add them and HOPE we had the order correct. :) I hope it comes soon!