Product items not show description
James Hensley
when a proposal or estimate iscreated the items just show the name on it but not the description, clients are asking for some mor detailed info on the itmes are buying
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Sales & Marketing
Todd Whitelow A
Sales & Marketing I do not see this feature added to estimates although it is working in invoices.
Bryce Claudin
Sales & Marketing this isn't complete?
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Customer Facing Product Descriptions in Proposals
Deane Fletcher
I understand the description field for each price variant is customer facing for Invoices, but they should be for Proposals too!
A proposal is part of the customer sales process & journey and so therefore a description, not just a line item in the proposal, tells the customer exactly what they are getting when they accept the proposal. The description field already exists, so the ability to choose whether to show it or not, in the "product list" of the proposal builder is logical.
Allan Grossmann
Yes, I need that feature!
Kim Grotepas
I've been waiting for this as well. I need this in order to move clients over to this system.
Maged Hendawy
I believe its a must to add item description in details on the estimation.. customer wont accept the estimate unless they see what they are paying for in details.
Samuel Poncet
Was about to add this as well. Simply having the same format as invoices would be amazing for product descriptions. Clients want to know what they're paying for and a simple product title does not cut it.
Todd Masters
I was about to create this, I have a client that moved over from pipedrive but the pricing element only displays "title" and not "details" from the product. They put a lot of effort adding all the products, but the pricing table is too generic. It would be a simple fix to have the option to also include the description field from the product displayed.
Chase Crawford
Was just about to create a request for this. We can add descriptions to line items for invoices, but not items in a pricing table in a proposal/estimate. This is a major oversite that needs to be fixed.
Mohamed Rida Allah
it will be better to show the description of the product item too bellow the title of the product item
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