Contract to function like docusign - can have it on website and no contact has to be created and emailed it
Jade Fickert
Not having to create a contact first and have the contract live on your website and the customer can just fill it out would be huge. Then from the form the contact can be created (since that info is collected already) - not collect the info first then email them the form. This is needed so it functions like a docu-sign where you can just put a form up on your website and drive traffic to it to be signed (we are emergency contractors so customers have to have access to sign things all hours of the night and sometimes from side of the road).
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Sales & Marketing
Brian Moseley
This would be great! I'm trying to take the customer from submitting a form online straight to signing a contract online without having to switch to their email.
Seems simple enough.
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Devon Smart
Sales & Marketing any updates on this?
Jakin Harper
This would allow someone to fill a contract directly from a website. It would also allow you to send the contract to a contact who you may not have the rest of their contact info. Them filling out the contract would update their details in GHL. This would drastically simplify automations (especially those using AI).
Juan Hernandez
also if it could be added an option so the document (when doesn't need to be signed to be delivered or not to contact would be great) make it optional to NOT notify or deliver to the contact. We sometimes need a document to be generated but not signed. just stored.
Nick Flowers
100%, we have a client using this for their employee application and it’s annoying having to send it as an email to the contact. They used to be able to have walk-ins apply on some office computers they have set up before moving to our HighLevel agency but that is not possible with the current system.