Project/Task Organizer Like Asana
Joel Cowen
To make this an all-in-one platform it would be great to have a "Projects" tab that allows us to create task, assign those to specific users, and restrict access to those users. For example, we could create an onboarding section and auto-assign those based on user type (Client, Account Manager, Sales, etc.). We could also have tasks that get assigned to the client. The client could login and see what needs to be done, what's being worked on, etc. This could also be added to the daily/weekly reports that go to the client so they are kept in the loop on things.
Log In
Tyler Hoff
this would be fantastic! Can't wait to see this.
John Betterr
Please don't do this for at least another two years. PLEASE!!!!
GHL has WAY too much on its plate right now... just improve what you've already committed to. Don't try to compete with asana and clickup... it a fool's errand when hundreds of features that GHL has launched perform at best in the bottom 20% of all their competition. We need live chat, the phone system, invoicing, estimates, and so much more to actually become competitive with products in their classes... right now GHL can't even compete.
Companies with multiple locations can't even function in GHL yet. There are such fundamental needs that need to be taken care of before GHL goes and chases another completely different product class.
The fact that this idea has 1200 votes.. says everytihng anybody needs to know about GHL's very unwise dev strategy... It is being run by sales reps who want to put featues in a bullet list, and in turn create hell for those who they sold. This sales rep driven feature culture needs to end, and very quickly.
please GHL do not spread yourself any thinner! Last thing we need is another really bad offering.... at least not for another two years.
Plus if it is going to be a marketing centric crm built for agencies, then don't chase stuff that is so unrelated.
Iver Aune
Pallavi Kothari Please don’t confuse this with a project/task manager designed for agencies. We want this to be a feature for our clients - a project/task manager for SMB local businesses.
I think approaching it from that perspective will help shape the product in the best way.
Pallavi Kothari
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Integrate Project Management Software & Add to Marketplace as Project Management Workflows
Elsie Silva Kniff
Many use apps like Trello, Slack, etc,
We love BasicOps.
1 - For all GHL - we can incorporate tasks into snapshots / workflows, onboarding, etc.
Enhancing the Launchpad. Accept Task list for
- New website
-DNS access
- Branding Toolkit or equivalent discussion
- etc.
- Migrating Website
- Social Media Mgmnt
- Account handles
- Account logins
Also can be done by industry too
- Author
- layout out a book launch task outline (can also be available in the marketplace as project flows.
Pallavi Kothari
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✅ Project Management Level
Iver Aune
My B2B customers, medium - large contractors to be specific, has been requesting a Project Management feature for a long time.
➕ Add a Project tab in the main meny that could be toggled on/off like other features.
✅ Create a new project.
✅ Assign staff, contacts, companies and opportunities to the project.
✅ Add basic data to the project like address, value, source, etc.
✅ Let us add custom fields, notes, documents, tasks, etc.
✅ Let us assign proposals, estimates, appointments, invoices, etc. to the project.
✅ Let us mark communication like emails and SMS to the project.
➕ Let us switch between two overviews.
✅ Listed view, like the contacts-view with search, bulk actions, etc.
✅ Pipeline view, like opportunities-view with custom steps.
Please comment below if you have additional ideas.
Neslihan Ozdemir
Ahh I'm so pissed they don't already have the project management tools, tasks, time recording.. :((((
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Project Manager Integration
Matthew Morales
Add a section on the menu bar below reports called project management. It can look almost exactly like opportunities. Then make it able to integrate with asana and monday and trello and have it show up as its own section in the GHL app. They actually look so similar enough to integrate the look pretty well.
Add Asana's left projects menu bar to GHL on the left below Reports, and make the view similar to the boards view on Asana
Shawn Moser
Any project management software that does not have task scheduling and ability to set predecessors is only a task management system, not project and wouldn't do much more than what we have now.
We need a project menu with list, kanban, gantt, and calendar views like any PM software.
Keith Besherse
Shawn Moser, yes. If it is just going to be a task list then don’t bother. BUT, HighLevel needs to tell us they are making a strategic decision to either pursue or not pursue task management/project management/action scheduling. Sales & Marketing Core Platform
Braden Kowalski
Pretty crazy they do not have a PM tab!!!
There needs to be a way to send proofs to customers to get APPROVALS (similar to, filestage,pageproof etc.)
Pritish Roy
Please do this
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