Project/Task Organizer Like Asana
Joel Cowen
To make this an all-in-one platform it would be great to have a "Projects" tab that allows us to create task, assign those to specific users, and restrict access to those users. For example, we could create an onboarding section and auto-assign those based on user type (Client, Account Manager, Sales, etc.). We could also have tasks that get assigned to the client. The client could login and see what needs to be done, what's being worked on, etc. This could also be added to the daily/weekly reports that go to the client so they are kept in the loop on things.
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Treva Bendy
This is so needed! I love GHL, but you are missing a project management feature to track the status of project tasks. I have to use Trello. I am using GHL as my all-in-one system to streamline my processes, and having this feature would be an incredible value add! Please approve a project management tracking of tasks as one of the next new features we can expect.
Shreyas Birajdar
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Client Onboarding Tasks similar to motion
Anthony Lennard
It would be awesome if we had the ability to add tasks for new clients, which automatically updates when they are completed. Also, reminders when they havent completed steps etc.
Shreyas Birajdar
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Task Management in Client Portal like
Sara Comer
Ability to assign tasks to clients in client portal like
Shreyas Birajdar
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New Client portal functionality
Peter Szabo
I think it would be a great feature if the Client portal could function like in this platform:
More customization please on the client portal, make it customizable for selling digital products, services, and task management tracking. Thank you! You are the best
Shreyas Birajdar
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Task Manager for Clients
Timothy Liversage
Adding tasks to clients instead of crm users, then appearing in the client portal as an assigned task.
This would open up the client portal to coaches and anyone that needs clients to do certain tasks, and could be used as an onboarding system for saas clients.
Jodee Peevor
Yes we love this too - currently manually cobbling together something ourselves :)
KoachNinja CRM for Coaches
This makes Highlevel an all-in-one tool. If you agree, love this comment and bump it up.
Keith Besherse
Christopher Lang
I feel like this is the only missing piece to that "All In One" solution that Highlevel offers. This would be amazing.
Yorick Bos
Currently using a different tool for this. It is one of the few features GHL does not have that is very strange.
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