Toggle off client portal
Tim Foy
For many clients, this tab makes no sense as they are not marketers or affiliates or offer additional services. For my clients who are contractors or insurance companies, this is just confusing. Please make this an option to turn off in permissions
Log In
Shreyas Birajdar
Merged in a post:
Allow "New User Sign Up" to be turned off in the Client Portal
Sheri McKinney
Our users have noticed that anyone can create an account and get access to the Community home dashboard (with courses, affiliate manager, client portal, etc.) even if they aren't an existing contact in the system. (It used to give an error message like "user does not exist" which can also be used maliciously, but still preferable. It looks like that has changed, maybe with the introduction of the Google OAUTH and now it grants access to ANYONE.)
Most Communities are intended for customers/clients only, so we want to hide/turn off the feature that lets strangers create an account and login.
Being able to hide that option will prevent malicious use better than an error message or granting access without an invite.
For example, if I really wanted new users to be able to sign up for free, I'd use a landing page with an opt-in form that will add the right tags and add them to workflows and then send them to the login page. Having them sign up here gives them access, but nothing else happens in the CRM.
Please fix this.
Michiel timesaverhub
I’ve updated the code and included an instructional video. After making changes to the CSS, please clear your browser cache to see the changes reflected.
Link to the instructional video:
CSS Code:
/ Hide tiel Text /
.banner-center .w-3\/4 .text-5xl {
display: none;
/ Remove Google One Tap Sign-In /
#google-one-tap {
display: none !important;
/ Hide Divider Text /
.n-divider .n-divider__title .divider-text {
display: none !important;
/ Hide Block Elements /
.h-screen .h-full .block {
display: none !important;
#open-signup-button span {
visibility: hidden !important;
display: none !important;
/ Division /
#login-page-email-form div:nth-child(6) {
display: none;
If you need any additional help with modifications or design, feel free to contact me at
Janene Brubaker
Michiel timesaverhub thank you for the CSS. It did not hide "New Users? Sign Up". GHL wont let me move the copy after the # down to the next row. Thoughts?
Michiel timesaverhub
Janene Brubaker
Hi Janene,
I’ve updated the code and included an instructional video. After making changes to the CSS, please clear your browser cache to see the changes reflected.
Link to the instructional video:
CSS Code:
Hide tiel Text
/.banner-center .w-3\/4 .text-5xl {
display: none;
Remove Google One Tap Sign-In
/#google-one-tap {
display: none !important;
Hide Divider Text
/.n-divider .n-divider__title .divider-text {
display: none !important;
Hide Block Elements
/.h-screen .h-full .block {
display: none !important;
#open-signup-button span {
visibility: hidden !important;
display: none !important;
/#login-page-email-form div:nth-child(6) {
display: none;
If you need any additional help with modifications or design, feel free to contact me at
Jeremy DeMerchant
This definitely needs to be corrected soon. I have clients whose users are getting confused because they think they are signed up and have created an account, but have not been through the payment process. I was able to use CSS to replace the Request Access button with a Subscribe button, that redirects to the proper sales page, but this doesn't seem to work on the mobile browsers or the app.
Michiel timesaverhub
Jeremy DeMerchant this works for me on mobile aswell
Span Tag
/#open-signup-button span{
/#login-page-email-form > div{
Rebekka San
This is an absolute must feature!!!!!
Yohani Rodriguez
Agreed - Please allow to be turned off the option Sing Up
Karl Sandland
Agreed - this needs addressing asap as I'm reluctant to launch my community (and have just spent over a day migrating from Kajabi) :-(
Meg Brunson
Alternatively, allow us to determine where that link directs to... it would be great if we could have that link go to the sales page! If that's not possible, then please allow us to toggle it off!
Kenny Valentin
Yes Please! This creates a lot of confusion for my members email login
Adrian King
100% Essential and Urgently needed. Our clients do not want random people signing up. They only want people who have been invited.
I understand that some use cases might want random traffic signing up in order to then sell courses, etc. but for many businesses, this is not desired.
Matthias Loeffel
Yes. This is a really crucial one! I already have sign-ups from people, although my portal is live only since 4 hours now.
Users sign up by buying a course or filling out a form. It should truly be an option to turn off sign-ups at the login page.
Or make it possible to add custom CSS for that portal login page, so we can hide it with custom CSS.
Thank you so much!!
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