Blog canonical
For SEO the blog and blog post are seen as duplicate pages due to the fact the blog posts do not have SEO separate from the main page sure blog lives
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Julie White
Just adding this here too - this is an important update that the blog builder needs. The canonical version of a blog should be
All other versions from categories and tags and blog name should then point to this version as the primary page. This is really important for SEO.
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Hey Everyone,
We have provided support for canonical links for blog and blog post -
Here the release note -
What has changed in blog
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Tony Finbarr-Smith
Reply from support:
“The update from the developer:
The issue will be resolved in the upcoming release as our dedicated team is diligently working on implementing the necessary fix”
I’ve asked for clarification on when the upcoming release is.
Tony Finbarr-Smith
YES! This is an absolute ballache of a problem. Have submitted the following Loom to support in case anyone doesn't understand the issue:
Keith Besherse
Tony Finbarr-Smith, thank you for sharing this detail.
Robert Kafka
Please make sure when this goes live we can set the full canonical URL, not just the extension on whatever domain. Currently building a series of sites on different domains, but all under one sub-account, so stuck with one blog if staying in HL. Having the ability to display posts based on category (to keep content in line with each site), but not to set the canonical for each post, is kinda wild.
Nicholas Papp
Is there any update on this important issue?
27 North Digital
Nicholas Papp You would think that this would be fairly straightforward to add given that they added it for funnels and websites. We need more granular control over the meta data like we have in the web builder. I think it's cute what they tried to do making it more like a word processing application, but they should add elements and features from the web builder into it as well.
Roger Bremmer Jr
Yes my blogs come in with random pages of mine attached be the category and then blog title, domain/c/b/blog/title-here and each one is there own page I can’t add canonical links to to the category page or the b page
Paige Battcher
This is a MAJOR issue. We trusted the blog feature and created 100+ posts that now all have “duplicate non canonical issues” - I don’t really know what it means.
But the only way I could possibly fix it based on research is via the head code which we don’t have access to.
Please prioritize this!!!
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