Create/Edit/Update/Delete Entire Workflows from API
Pedro Uzcátegui
I believe an amazing business move to put HL as the #1 CRM in the world, is letting people create workflows as JSON format, and then sending that JSON in an HTTP POST request, so we can create workflows faster and get a faster onboarding experience for our clients.
Also, having the ability to edit them via PUT or deleting them via DELETE requests, would also be amazing.
I'm not saying that this is by any means easy. However, I believe there must be some way that is already built out and rendered in the Workflows UI.
So having the ability to create them via the API, would definitely make a HUGE impact on all HighLevel users.
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Jason Hanrahan
Yes, please! I was so disappointed to find the API only lets you grab a list of the workflows, but not actually what's in them.