We have some High Level clients who use a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform like Mindbody that connects to Stripe for payments but needs to use a connected account over a direct stripe accounts.
Can High Level be used to create order forms that can handle these connected accounts?
Desired Functionality:
Here's what we'd like High Level to do when creating order forms for connected accounts:
Identify Account Type: Ask to choose between a "Connected Account" (using a SaaS platform) or a "Direct Account" (directly connected to Stripe).
Direct Account Behaviour: No additional information is needed if we choose "Direct Account." High Level functions as usual.
Connected Account Information: If we choose "Connected Account," High Level should request the following:
Connected Account ID: The unique identifier for the connected account within the SaaS platform.
SaaS Platform Public Key: The public key provided by the SaaS platform for Stripe integration.
API Endpoint: The specific URL within the SaaS platform that handles payment processing.
Checkout Process (Connected Mode):
Payment Initiation: When a customer clicks "Pay," High Level shouldn't directly initiate a Stripe payment intent. Instead, it should send a request to the SaaS platform's API endpoint (information gathered in step 3) with the payment amount, connected account ID and cart contents (metadata key/value array for cart items sold).
SaaS Platform Response: The SaaS platform should respond with a payment intent client secret generated by Stripe.
High Level Confirmation: High Level then uses the Stripe.js library and the received client secret to confirm the payment with Stripe. Upon confirmation, handles internal events as usual.
Payment Processing: Stripe sends a webhook notification ("payment_intent.succeeded") to the SaaS platform upon successful payment. The SaaS platform can then use this notification (payment intent data for connected account) to fulfil the sale for the connected business's member.
Pipeline data: In our case we then update the customer data on our end and move the new sale along in the pipeline, as well as for reporting to our clients. (No change here at all)
Any help at all would be hugely appreciated ❤️